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Arrows Of Revival

Oct 31, 2019

Republishing this episode as Halloween approaches. Witchcraft is still on the rise. Believers should be watchful and stand against doors to witchcraft.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Is Halloween compatible with Christianity?
  • How to teach our children about Halloween
  • Can Christians be witches?
  • The current rise in public...

Oct 29, 2019

Ministry leaders and workers will face the daily care of ministering to people plus persecutions and attacks. Stress can arise while dealing with these situations. However, God provides us with principles for overcoming stress in ministry. This episode concludes the two-part teaching on overcoming stress in ministry.

Oct 22, 2019

With pastors committing suicide, and believers frustrated with ministry, we all need to learn the means that God has given to deal with and overcome the stress that can occur when doing ministry. This episode contains five crucial practices to overcome stress in ministry. For every believer actively doing the work of...

Oct 15, 2019

Giftedness does not equal maturity. It is possible to be gifted but not rooted in love. Without love, we will eventually be ineffective and unfruitful in the kingdom of God. We must ensure that our gifts, ministries, and lives are rooted in love for God, and love for God's people to be effective in God's kingdom.

Oct 1, 2019

Is the practice of your faith simply an extension of the popular culture in your area? Does your Christian practice reflect the character of Christ or the expectations of the culture? Many church-goers are only cultural Christians but are not manifesting the fruits of the faith. It is easy to become allured and...